Abstract Interpretation

PDDL.jl supports abstract interpretation of PDDL domains. This functionality is exposed by the abstracted and abstractstate functions:

abstracted(domain; options...)

Construct an abstract domain from a concrete domain. See PDDL.AbstractInterpreter for the list of options.

abstracted(domain, state; options...)
abstracted(domain, problem; options...)

Construct an abstract domain and state from a concrete domain and state. A problem can be provided instead of a state. See PDDL.AbstractInterpreter for the list of options.

abstractstate(domain, state)

Construct a state in an abstract domain from a concrete state.


The behavior of the abstract interpreter can be customized by specifying the Julia type used to represent abstract values for a particular fluent or PDDL type:

    type_abstractions = PDDL.default_abstypes(),
    fluent_abstractions = Dict(),
    autowiden = false

Abstract PDDL interpreter based on Cartesian abstract interpretation of the PDDL state. Fluents in the state are converted to abstract values based on either their concrete type or fluent name, with fluent-specific abstractions overriding type-based abstractions.


  • type_abstractions: Mapping from PDDL types to the Julia type for abstract fluent values.

  • fluent_abstractions: Mapping from fluent names to the Julia type for abstract fluent values.

  • autowiden: Flag for automatic widening of values after a state transition.


Abstract semantics can also be compiled by calling compiled on an abstracted domain and state:

domain, state = abstracted(domain, state)
domain, state = compiled(domain, state)

Abstract Values and Types

Abstract interpretation requires each concrete value to be mapped to an abstract value of a particular type, which represents an (over-approximation) of the set of the possible values reachable after a series of actions have been executed. By default, Boolean values (i.e. predicates) are mapped to the BooleanAbs abstraction, while scalar numbers (corresponding to PDDL types like integer, number and numeric) are mapped to the IntervalAbs abstraction. Other types of values may use the SetAbs abstraction.


Belnap logic abstraction for Boolean values. In addition to true, false and missing, the abstract value both can be used to represent when a predicate is both false and true.


When introducing a new global datatype using the PDDL.jl extension interfaces, a default abstraction can be associated with the type by defining a new method for PDDL.default_abstype:

The PDDL.@register macro can also be used to register new default abstractions.