Interface Functions

PDDL.jl defines a set of interface functions that serve as basic operations in a wide variety of symbolic planning algorithms and applications. These functions are intended to be low-level enough such that planning algorithms can be expressed primarily in terms of the operations they represent, but high-level enough so as to abstract away from implementational details. A schematic overview of most of these interface functions is shown below.

A schematic diagram showing how the PDDL.jl interface functions relate to each other.

Evaluating Formulae and Expressions

The key distinguishing feature of symbolic planning is the ability to describe and determine whether certain facts about the world hold true (e.g. is the robot holding a block?), or evaluate numeric properties (e.g. the distance between two cities), with queries expressed in terms of first-order logic. As such, PDDL.jl provides the following functions which satisfy or evaluate first-order expressions in the context of a State:

Formula Satisfaction

Given a term representing a well-formed logical formula, or a collection of terms (treated as conjunctions of such formulae), the satisfy function returns whether they are satisfiable within a domain and state:

satisfy(domain::Domain, state::State, term::Term)
satisfy(domain::Domain, state::State, terms::AbstractVector{<:Term})

Returns whether the queried term or terms can be satisfied in the given domain and state.


When a term has free variables, satisfy returns true as long as one satisfying assignment exists. A related function, satisfiers, returns a list of all satisfying assignments to such variables (a.k.a. substitutions), including the empty list when a variable-free formula is satisfied. If no satisfying assignments exist, nothing is returned:

satisfiers(domain::Domain, state::State, term::Term)
satisfiers(domain::Domain, state::State, terms::AbstractVector{<:Term})

Returns a list of satisfying substitutions of the queried term or terms within the given domain and state.


Term Evaluation

Given a term representing a ground expression (i.e. one with no free variables), the evaluate function returns the value of that expression in the context of a domain and state:

evaluate(domain::Domain, state::State, term::Term)

Evaluates a grounded term in the given domain and state. If term refers to a numeric fluent, the value of the fluent is returned. For logical predicates, evaluate is equivalent to satisfy.


For example, if term refers to a fluent, the value of the fluent is returned. Compound numeric expressions (e.g., the sum of two fluents) can also be evaluated.

State Initialization and Transition

A PDDL domain specifies the transition dynamics of a first order symbolic model of the world, while a PDDL problem specifies the initial state and object set over which these dynamics are grounded. PDDL.jl thus provides functions for constructing an initial state for a domain and problem, and for simulating the transition dynamics:

State Initialization

Given a domain and problem, the initstate function returns the initial state, the type of which is concrete subtype of State:

initstate(domain::Domain, problem::Problem)
initstate(domain::Domain, objtypes[, fluents])

Construct the initial state for a given planning domain and problem, or from a domain, a map of objects to their types (objtypes), and an optional list of fluents.

Fluents can either be provided as a list of Terms representing the initial fluents in a PDDL problem, or as a map from fluent names to fluent values.


The type of the returned state may vary depending on the type of the domain or problem provided. For example, providing a compiled domain as an argument leads initstate to return a compiled state representation.

State Transition

Given a domain, state and action, the transition function returns a successor state, including the effects of events and processes (as supported by PDDL+) and random sampling (in the case of probabilistic PDDL). To support future multi-agent extensions of PDDL.jl, transition may also accept a set of actions to be executed in parallel:

transition(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)
transition(domain::Domain, state::State, actions)

Returns the successor to state in the given domain after applying a single action or a set of actions in parallel.

transition!(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)
transition!(domain::Domain, state::State, actions)

Variant of transition that modifies state in place.


Forward Action Semantics

A widely-used strategy in symbolic planning is forward state space search, guided by a planning heuristic. These algorithms are built upon two basic operations to search forward in state space: querying the actions that are available in any given state, and executing an action to generate a successor state. These operations can be performed using the following functions:

Action Availability

Given a domain, state, action schema and action arguments, the available function returns whether the corresponding action is available in the specified state – i.e. its precondition is fulfilled. An action may alternatively be provided as a Term (e.g. pddl"(stack a b)"):

available(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Action, args)
available(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)

Check if an action parameterized by args can be executed in the given state and domain. Action parameters can also be specified as the arguments of a compound Term.


When available is called without specifying an action, it returns an iterator over all actions available in the specified state, effectively encapsulating the logic for node expansion in a search algorithm:

available(domain::Domain, state::State)

Return an iterator over available actions in a given state and domain.


Action Execution

Given a domain, state, action schema and action arguments, the execute function returns the result of applying the specified action to the state. An action may also be provided as a Term:

execute(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Action, args)
execute(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)

Execute an action parameterized by args in the given state, returning the resulting state. Action parameters can also be specified as the arguments of a compound Term.

execute!(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Action, args)
execute!(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)

Variant of execute that modifies state in-place.


Inverse Semantics

Regression-based planners (e.g. the classical STRIPS algorithm) make use of the fact that is possible to plan by working backwards from a goal, repeatedly selecting actions that are relevant to achieving a goal state or specification. This motivates the following interface methods for (i) constructing abstract states from goal specifications and (ii) exposing the inverse semantics of actions:

Goal State Construction

In symbolic planning, a logical goal formula $g$ effectively specifies the set of all concrete goal states where $g$ holds true. We can represent this set of concrete states as an abstract state $\bar s$. In the special case where the goal $g$ contains no disjunctions or functions, $\bar s$ can also be understood as a partial state that specifies the values of all predicates in $g$, and leaves all other predicates unspecified.

To support regression search in this abstract space, PDDL.jl provides the goalstate method for constructing an abstract state from the goal specification of a problem:

goalstate(domain::Domain, problem::Problem)
goalstate(domain::Domain, objtypes, terms)

Construct a (partial) goal state from a domain and problem, or from a domain, a map of objects to their types (objtypes), and goal terms.


As with initstate, the data type of the returned state $\bar s$ may depend on the type of domain or problem provided.

Action Relevance

Given a domain, state, action schema and action arguments, the relevant function returns whether the action is relevant to achieving the specified state – i.e., it achieves at least one predicate or numeric constraint in the state, and destroys none through deletion or modification. In the case where the action's effect reduces to a list of predicates to be added and a list to be deleted, this simplifies to checking that at least one added predicate is true in the state, and that none are deleted. An action may also be provided as a Term:

relevant(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Action, args)
relevant(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)

Check if an action parameterized by args is relevant (can lead to) a state in the given domain. Action parameters can also be specified as the arguments of a compound Term.


When relevant is called without specifying an action, it returns an iterator over all actions relevant to the specified state, encapsulating the logic for node expansion in a regression search algorithm:

relevant(domain::Domain, state::State)

Return an iterator over relevant actions in a given state and domain.


Action Regression

Given a domain, state, action schema and action arguments, the regress function executes the action in reverse, returning a (potentially abstract) state that represents the pre-image of the action with respect to the input state. An action may also be provided as a Term:

regress(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Action, args)
regress(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)

Compute the pre-image of an action parameterized by args with respect to a state. Action parameters can also be specified as the arguments of a compound Term.

regress!(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Action, args)
regress!(domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term)

Variant of regress that modifies state in-place.
