
A library of symbolic planners for problems and domains specified in the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) and its variants. Built on top of the PDDL.jl interface for automated planning.



Make sure PDDL.jl is installed. (See here for more instructions.)

For the stable version of SymbolicPlanners.jl, press ] to enter the Julia package manager REPL, then run:

add SymbolicPlanners

For the latest development version, run:



First, load a planning domain and problem using PDDL.jl. These can be loaded from local files, or from the PlanningDomains.jl online repository:

using PDDL, PlanningDomains, SymbolicPlanners

# Load Blocksworld domain and problem
domain = load_domain(:blocksworld)
problem = load_problem(:blocksworld, "problem-4")

Next, construct a Planner, including a search Heuristic if supported, and call it on the domain and problem:

# Construct A* planner with h_add heuristic
planner = AStarPlanner(HAdd())

# Solve the problem using the planner
sol = planner(domain, problem)

Alternatively, we can provide planners with the initial state, and a Specification defining the goal predicates, action costs, and other desired criteria for the planning solution:

# Construct initial state from domain and problem
state = initstate(domain, problem)

# Construct goal specification that requires minimizing plan length
spec = MinStepsGoal(PDDL.get_goal(problem))

# Produce a solution given the initial state and specification
sol = planner(domain, state, spec)

A* search produces an ordered plan as a Solution, which we can inspect and validate:

julia> sol
PathSearchSolution{GenericState, Nothing}
  status: success
  plan: 10-element Vector{Term}
    (unstack b a)
    (put-down b)
    (unstack a d)
    (stack a e)
    (pick-up b)
    (stack b a)
    (pick-up c)
    (stack c b)
    (pick-up d)
    (stack d c)
  trajectory: 11-element Vector{GenericState}

julia> PDDL.satisfy(domain, sol.trajectory[end], PDDL.get_goal(problem))

We can also validate the solution by using a Simulator to determine the final state:

julia> sim = EndStateSimulator(max_steps=100);

julia> end_state = sim(sol, domain, state, spec);

julia> PDDL.satisfy(domain, end_state, PDDL.get_goal(problem))